Sponsor a Child,
Advance the Nations

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. James 1:27

Orphans and widows in India


Church Plants


Souls Engaged


Meals Provided


Pastors Trained

Our Mission

Advance the Nations is dedicated to sharing the love of Christ by providing housing, food, and clothing to widows and orphans in India. We also equip local pastors with both training and funding, empowering them to advance the gospel and bring transformation to their communities.

How We Operate

Advance the Nations partners with locals in India to progress in four strategic priorities to advance the gospel.

Food, Shelter, Clothing, and Education for Orphans

We provide food, shelter, and clothing to orphans in need. And with a little extra funding, you can provide them a private, Christian education.

Food and Shelter for Widows

The greatest existential threat to the widows of India is food insecurity. Our donors purchase rice, lentils, and oil for their daily needs.

Train Pastors & Church Planters

As the Spirit moves in India, the people have no shortage of willing bodies, but they lack theological training. Our donors fund what's necessary to provide it.

Build the Future

We construct orphanages, homes for widows, and churches, which also serve as training centers for future pastors.

Widows in India receiving rations of rice, lentils, and oil
Pastors graduating from theological training in India


transfer rate

Pastors graduating from theological training in India

Give with confidence

98% of your donation goes directly to the mission in India

Advance the Nations is directed by a group of bi-vocational volunteers. We work hard to keep our administrative costs as low as possible to ensure your donation has the effect it deserves.

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